

Ceramic spacers

What are ceramic spacers and what do they Influence? That’s awesome! In the following text we will discuss Weiert Ceramics カスタマイズされたセラミック部品 and explain why these are necessary in components that work, as intended by design when applied or used for machines to operate correctly- electronics not fail, - products maintain right temperatures. Let’s dive in!


セラミックスペーサーは、2 つの物体を互いに離して、間違った位置で接触するのを防ぎます。特に、非常に繊細で敏感な機械を扱う場合にはそうです。 体の部位が近すぎると、壊れたり機能しなくなったりすることがあります。これは、本来は合うはずのパズルのピースが、あまりにも強く押し込まれているようなものです。顔の筋肉や皮膚にこれが起こると、正常に機能しなくなります。セラミックスペーサーは、このような事態を防止します。


Another place ceramic spacers are great is in very high or low heat! They can deal with high temperatures when other materials could likely fail. This is due to the fact that Weiert Ceramics 酸化アルミニウムセラミック are materials which have a lot of strength and maintain their shape under extreme temperatures (and this characteristic does also include freezing conditions).


Mobile phones, tablets and computers are electronics which we see everywhere. Ceramic spacers allow better and safer operation of these devices. They help in maintaining separation between different parts of the device. The reason for this separation is to assist with electrical safety. Well the ceramic spacers basically stop electrical currents from leaking and causing damage to other portions of the device.

Why choose Weiert Ceramics Ceramic spacers?



